by Neokmos

Dr. Stefano Lecchi

Founding partner with long-established experience in management consulting (Bain & Company, Accenture) and business management (Gruppo Intesa, Gruppo Banco Popolare).

Ing. Luigi D’Auria

Partner, consolidated management experience in multinational companies in the fields of consumer goods (Galbani, Danone, LatteMilano, Senoble), logistics (biG Logistica), and packaging (Amprica/SirapGema). Ing. D’Auria deals primarily with corporate repositioning and reorganization, as well as defining governance models, reviewing supply chain and procurement process, in addition to the development of innovative sales channels.

Dott.sa Silvia Lecchi

Partner, well-established experience in financial management and control within multinational companies (KPMG, Accenture). Dr. Silvia Lecchi specializes in management control and reporting systems, business process turnaround (procurement, supply chain), business planning, feasibility studies for manufacturing and sales. She also consults on innovative approaches to retail sales, along with cost reduction projects. Dr. Silvia Lecchi performs accounting and financial due diligence.

We carry out Business Due Diligence for institutional and private investors,
aimed at M&A operations and we are open to share
the investment risk with the client in case it is foreseen
